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Photo of the Norwegian countryside.

Study-Abroad Opportunities

The Kautz-Uible Economics Institute funds study-abroad scholarships for semester-long opportunities as well as for specific short-term programs led by faculty from UC's Economics Department.


For more information, please reach out to

Dr. Debashis Pal at




Economics alumna Piper Magyaros pictured in Tromso, Norway during a semester-long study-abroad program at the Norwegian School of Economics.

Piper Magyaros
Semester-long study-abroad program at the Norwegian School of Economics 

"While studying in Norway, I learned to focus more on sustainability in my life. It's known for being the most sustainable country in the world, and living there opened my eyes to how important it is to live that way. I'm currently working on a research project at my co-op for brands to explore sustainable alternatives for packaging, which is one thing my study-abroad has inspired me to do."

Economics alumna Sonali Goyal pictured in Norway during Dr. Debashis Pal's Exploring Scandinavia study-abroad program.

Sonali Goyal
Faculty-led Norway/Denmark study-abroad program

"The Scandinavia program was incredible! It was an amazing way to experience the Nordic culture, learn about the economic systems in place, and visit places like the fjords. We were able to visit the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), bike through Copenhagen, and hike in Bergen. This Scandinavian experience with Professor Pal is a must-do!"

Economics alumnus Andrew Geers pictured in Bergen, Norway during a semester-long, study-abroad program at the Norwegian School of Economics.

Andrew Geers
Semester-long study-abroad program at the Norwegian School of Economics 

"I chose to study abroad in Norway at the Norwegian School of Economics because of the unique perspectives the school offered. Norway is a very resource-rich country, so I was able to take some very interesting courses, such as The Economics of Resource-Rich Countries and Energy, the Environment, and Sustainability."


Economic student Keya Nandi pictured in Ireland during a semester-long study-abroad program at University College Cork.

Keya Nandi
Semester-long study-abroad program at University College Cork in Ireland  + summer Ruhr Fellowship program in Germany

"To all those who want to experience culture and learn more about the world, make sure you reach out and grab that opportunity. These wonderful experiences have taught me so much about myself and the world both as an individual and a professional."



Economics alumna Kellie Hannan pictured in London during a year-long study-abroad program at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Kellie Hannan
Year-long study-abroad program at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

"LSE's motto rerum cognoscere causas – meaning to understand the causes of things – was a perfect academic fit for me. My classes rigorously blended economics and political science in a heavily application-based environment, always questioning how the topics covered have real-world policy implications. My experience abroad was a time of great personal growth and was a challenging yet deeply rewarding endeavor."


Economics alumna Heidi Reppart pictured in Norway during a semester-long, study-abroad program at the Norwegian School of Economics.

Heidi Reppart
Semester-long study-abroad program at the Norwegian School of Economics 

"My favorite course I took in Norway was coding in Python. I had learned how to code in R and SAS previously, but this was a completely different way to approach coding. I absolutely loved the professor and cooperative projects I got to do!"


Faculty-Led Study-Abroad Program to India, Jan 2019

Participants of Professor Asawari Deshmukh's study-abroad program in India pictured inside Agra Fort in Spring 2019.

Program leader Asawari Deshmukh and Institute co-founders Dan Kautz and Woody Uible pictured with students in Agra, India.

Institute Co-Founder Dan Kautz speaking with Economics alumnus Garrett Ainsworth during a study-abroad program in India.

Institute co-founder Dan Kautz and Garrett Ainsworth (BBA, '19) in Mumbai, India.

Economics alumnus Benedict Leonardi pictured in New Delhi during a study-abroad program in India.

Benedict Leonardi (left) pictured in New Delhi, India.

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