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Faculty Research
All faculty of the University of Cincinnati's economics department are affiliated with the Kautz-Uible Economics Institute and provide research opportunities for students as well as corporate training for businesses and community organizations. Explore each faculty member's latest publication below, and click on their name to learn more.
The effect of open space maintenance spending on house prices (2023)
Journal of Regional Science
Identifying Essential Nonprofits with a Novel NLP Method (2022)
Nonprofit Management and Leadership
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Adjusted Repeated Myopic Use of the Inverse Elasticity Pricing Rule (2021)
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management
Heterogeneous Income Profiles Model with Fixed Effects: Incorporating Labor Income Shocks (2021)
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Relationship Networks in Banking Around a Sovereign Default and Currency Crisis (2020)
IMF Economic Review
Beyond homophilic dyadic interactions: the impact network formation on individual outcomes (2023)
Statistics and Computing
Private-information group contests with complementarities (2021)
Journal of Public Economic Theory