Enriching the lives of economics students at the University of Cincinnati
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Establishing Your
Named Scholarship
Create a scholarship in your name, the name of someone you love, or someone who has inspired you. It's a wonderful way to pay it forward and create an important legacy by changing the life of a worthy young person.
Here are your two options!
Full-Support Scholarship
$3,000 per year | 3 years of support
Can be applied to a Kautz-Uible Pathways Scholarship, which supports first-generation economics students at UC, or a Kautz-Uible Fellowship
Covers a student's tuition costs ($2,000) as well as costs associated with professional development opportunities ($1,000), such as participation in economics conferences like those hosted by the National Association of Business Economics, educational training, and study-abroad programs led by Department of Economics faculty.
Professional Development Scholarship
$1,000 per year | 3 years of support
Covers costs associated with professional development opportunities ($1,000), such as participation in economics conferences like those hosted by the National Association of Business Economics, educational training, and study-abroad programs led by Department of Economics faculty.
Need more information?
Please fill out the form below, and Dr. Debashis Pal will be in touch with you to discuss any questions.